Breaking Down the High School of Applied Communication Curriculum

Overview of the High School of Applied Communication

The High School of Applied Communication is a renowned institution that focuses on providing students with a comprehensive education in the field of communication studies. With its practical learning approach, the school aims to prepare students for successful careers in various communication-related fields.

At the High School of Applied Communication, students gain a solid foundation in communication through a well-designed curriculum that combines theoretical understanding with practical skills. This approach allows students to develop a deep understanding of the subject matter while also acquiring the necessary hands-on experience.

By offering a range of core subjects and courses, the school ensures that students receive a well-rounded education in communication. From media studies and journalism to public relations, advertising, and visual communication, the curriculum covers all fundamental aspects of the field. This comprehensive approach equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in their future careers.

One of the key strengths of the High School of Applied Communication is its diverse range of specialized electives. These electives provide students with the opportunity to delve deeper into specific areas of interest or career goals within the field of communication. Whether it’s graphic design, digital marketing, broadcast journalism, or social media management, the school offers a wide selection of electives to cater to students’ varied aspirations.

Additionally, the High School of Applied Communication recognizes the importance of practical learning and real-world experience. To bridge the gap between classroom learning and industry requirements, the school provides various experiential learning opportunities. Through internships, job shadowing programs, and partnerships with local media organizations or communication agencies, students have the chance to gain hands-on experience in a real-world setting. This practical exposure enhances their skills and prepares them for the challenges of the communication industry.

In terms of technology and resources, the High School of Applied Communication offers state-of-the-art facilities. Students have access to media labs, production studios, and computer labs equipped with industry-standard software. These resources enable students to enhance their practical skills and develop proficiency in using the latest technologies commonly used in the communication field. Furthermore, the school also provides digital resources and online platforms to support student learning, ensuring that students have access to the latest information and tools for their studies.

The knowledgeable faculty members and mentors of the High School of Applied Communication are a valuable asset to the school’s curriculum. With their qualifications and extensive experience in different communication fields, they provide students with valuable insights and guidance. In addition, mentorship programs connect students with industry professionals who offer support and guidance in navigating the communication industry. These faculty members and mentors play a crucial role in shaping the students’ educational journey and preparing them for success in their future careers.

After graduation, students from the High School of Applied Communication are well-prepared for various career paths in the communication field. They have opportunities to work in media organizations, marketing agencies, public relations firms, and more. The comprehensive curriculum provided by the school has proven to be a strong foundation for success, as showcased by the achievements of its alumni in their chosen communication fields.

Core Curriculum of the High School of Applied Communication

The Importance of Foundational Knowledge in Communication

In order to prepare students for successful careers in the field of communication studies, the High School of Applied Communication offers a comprehensive core curriculum that focuses on building a strong foundation in communication theory and practical skills. Through a range of courses, students are exposed to various aspects of communication and gain a deep understanding of the field.

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Media Studies and Journalism

Students at the High School of Applied Communication have the opportunity to explore the world of media studies and journalism. These courses provide insights into the role of media in society, ethics in journalism, and the impact of media on communication. Through hands-on projects and assignments, students develop critical thinking skills and learn how to analyze and interpret media messages.

Public Relations and Advertising

Another important aspect of the core curriculum is the study of public relations and advertising. Students learn about creating effective communication strategies, managing public perceptions, and developing persuasive advertising campaigns. They gain practical skills in writing press releases, crafting compelling advertisements, and utilizing social media platforms for communication purposes.

Visual Communication

Visual communication plays a crucial role in today’s digital age, and the High School of Applied Communication recognizes its significance. Students are introduced to the principles of graphic design, visual storytelling, and branding. They learn how to effectively communicate messages through visual elements such as images, colors, and typography. The curriculum also covers basic video editing skills and the use of multimedia in communication.

Comprehensive Nature of the Curriculum

The core curriculum of the High School of Applied Communication is designed to provide students with a well-rounded education in communication studies. By incorporating a wide range of subjects, the curriculum ensures that students develop theoretical knowledge and practical skills in various areas of communication. This comprehensive approach equips students with the necessary tools to succeed in their future careers.

Overall, the core curriculum at the High School of Applied Communication offers a diverse range of courses that cover foundational knowledge in media studies, journalism, public relations, advertising, and visual communication. This curriculum provides students with a solid understanding of the field and prepares them for the challenges and opportunities in the dynamic world of communication.

Specialized Electives

In addition to the core curriculum, the High School of Applied Communication offers a wide range of specialized electives that allow students to explore their specific areas of interest or career goals within the field of communication. These electives provide students with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and skills in specific areas, enhancing their expertise and preparation for future endeavors.

Here are some examples of specialized elective courses offered at the High School of Applied Communication:

  1. Graphic Design: This course focuses on the principles and techniques of visual communication through design. Students learn how to create visually appealing and effective designs using industry-standard software and tools.
  2. Digital Marketing: This elective delves into the world of digital marketing, covering topics such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, content marketing, and online advertising.
  3. Broadcast Journalism: In this course, students learn the fundamentals of broadcast journalism, including news writing, reporting, anchoring, and video production.
  4. Social Media Management: This elective explores the strategies and techniques involved in managing and utilizing social media platforms for effective communication and brand promotion.

These specialized electives are designed to provide students with in-depth practical knowledge and hands-on experience in specific areas of communication. By choosing these courses, students can tailor their education to align with their individual interests and career aspirations.

Experiential Learning Opportunities

The High School of Applied Communication goes beyond traditional classroom learning to provide students with valuable experiential learning opportunities. These hands-on experiences are designed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world industry experience.


One of the key experiential learning opportunities offered by the High School of Applied Communication is the chance for students to participate in internships. Through partnerships with local media organizations and communication agencies, students can gain practical experience in their chosen field.

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Internships provide students with the opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge in a professional setting. They work alongside industry professionals, gaining insight into the day-to-day operations of a media organization or communication agency. This firsthand experience helps students develop practical skills and build a network of industry contacts.

Job Shadowing Programs

In addition to internships, the High School of Applied Communication also offers job shadowing programs. These programs allow students to observe professionals in their chosen field, providing valuable insights into the industry and specific careers.

By shadowing professionals, students can see firsthand how theories and concepts are applied in real-life scenarios. This direct exposure to the industry helps students make informed decisions about their future career paths and provides them with valuable industry knowledge.

Partnerships with Local Media Organizations and Communication Agencies

The High School of Applied Communication has established strong partnerships with local media organizations and communication agencies. These partnerships provide students with unique opportunities to collaborate with industry professionals and gain exposure to real-world projects.

Through these partnerships, students can participate in industry competitions, workshops, and events. They can work on actual client projects, applying their skills and knowledge to solve real communication challenges. These experiences not only enhance their practical skills but also help them build a strong portfolio to showcase their work to potential employers.

In summary, the High School of Applied Communication recognizes the importance of experiential learning in preparing students for successful careers in communication fields. Through internships, job shadowing programs, and partnerships with local organizations, students have the chance to gain invaluable real-world experience, develop practical skills, and build a strong network of industry contacts.

Technology and Resources

The High School of Applied Communication recognizes the importance of technology and resources in enhancing the learning experience of its students. By providing state-of-the-art facilities and access to industry-standard software and digital resources, the school ensures that students are equipped with the necessary tools to succeed in the field of communication.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

At the High School of Applied Communication, students have access to cutting-edge facilities that enhance their learning experience. The school boasts media labs, equipped with the latest technology and software, allowing students to gain hands-on experience in areas such as video production, audio editing, and graphic design. These facilities provide students with the opportunity to develop their skills and creativity in a professional environment.

Production Studios

In addition to media labs, the school also provides production studios where students can further explore their passion for communication. These studios are equipped with advanced equipment and technology, enabling students to engage in various projects, including video production, broadcasting, and multimedia presentations. The production studios offer a real-world setting for students to apply their theoretical knowledge and hone their practical skills.

Computer Labs with Industry-Standard Software

To stay at the forefront of technological advancements in the field of communication, the High School of Applied Communication ensures that its computer labs are equipped with industry-standard software. Students have access to the latest applications and tools used in various communication industries, allowing them to gain familiarity with the software commonly employed in their future careers. Through hands-on experience with these tools, students develop their proficiency in digital media production, graphic design, and other relevant skills.

Digital Resources and Online Platforms

To support student learning beyond the physical facilities, the High School of Applied Communication provides a wide range of digital resources and online platforms. These resources include online libraries, research databases, and academic journals, providing students with valuable information and references for their coursework. Additionally, the school utilizes online platforms to facilitate collaboration and communication among students and teachers, promoting a dynamic learning environment.

By prioritizing the availability of technology and resources, the High School of Applied Communication ensures that students are well-equipped to face the demands of the communication industry. By providing state-of-the-art facilities, access to industry-standard software, and a wealth of digital resources, the school prepares students for success in their future careers.

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Faculty and Mentorship

One of the key factors that sets the High School of Applied Communication apart is its highly knowledgeable faculty members and comprehensive mentorship programs. These aspects play a crucial role in shaping the curriculum and ensuring students receive the best education in the field of communication.

Qualified and Experienced Faculty

Our teaching staff at the High School of Applied Communication consists of industry experts with diverse experience and qualifications. Each faculty member brings their unique expertise to the classroom, allowing students to benefit from their deep understanding and real-world knowledge in various communication fields.

Our professors hold advanced degrees in communication studies, media, journalism, advertising, public relations, and other relevant disciplines. They possess a wealth of experience working in different sectors of the communication industry, including media organizations, advertising agencies, and public relations firms.

With their extensive backgrounds, our faculty members are able to provide students with the latest industry insights, trends, and case studies. This ensures that students receive relevant and up-to-date information to prepare them for the ever-evolving world of communication.

Mentorship Programs

At the High School of Applied Communication, we understand the importance of guidance and support in students’ academic and professional journeys. To provide a well-rounded learning experience, we have established comprehensive mentorship programs with industry professionals.

Through these mentorship programs, students have the opportunity to connect with experienced professionals who can provide them with personalized advice, mentorship, and career guidance. Mentors from various communication fields, such as media, marketing, public relations, and advertising, are paired with students based on their interests and career goals.

These mentors serve as valuable resources, sharing their experiences, industry insights, and networking opportunities. They help students explore different career paths, navigate challenges, and gain a deeper understanding of the communication industry’s intricacies.

The mentorship programs also provide students with internship and job shadowing opportunities, enabling them to gain hands-on experience and further develop their practical skills.

Creating Future Communication Professionals

By combining a qualified and experienced faculty with dedicated mentorship programs, the High School of Applied Communication aims to develop well-rounded communication professionals who are prepared to excel in their chosen fields.

We believe that the expertise and guidance provided by our faculty members and industry mentors are invaluable in shaping students’ knowledge, skills, and professional networks. Our focus on practical learning, complemented by theoretical understanding, equips students with the necessary tools to succeed in the communication industry.

Careers and Real-World Success

After graduation from the High School of Applied Communication, students are well-equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to pursue successful careers in various communication fields. The comprehensive curriculum provided by the school prepares students for a wide range of opportunities in media organizations, marketing agencies, public relations firms, and more.

With a strong foundation in communication theory and practical skills, graduates from the High School of Applied Communication have gone on to make significant contributions in their chosen fields. Alumni have found success in roles such as journalists, media planners, social media managers, graphic designers, and public relations specialists.

One of the factors that contribute to the success of students from the High School of Applied Communication is the emphasis on experiential learning. Through internships, job shadowing programs, and partnerships with local media organizations or communication agencies, students gain valuable real-world experience that sets them apart in the competitive job market.

Listening to the experiences of alumni, it is clear that the curriculum at the High School of Applied Communication has played a crucial role in their professional achievements. They credit the school for providing them with a solid foundation and the necessary skills to succeed in their careers.

Furthermore, the High School of Applied Communication has a strong alumni network and connections to industry professionals. This network provides ongoing support and guidance to current students, helping them navigate their career paths and make valuable connections in their chosen fields.

For those considering a future in the communication industry, the High School of Applied Communication offers an exceptional educational experience. Graduates of the school have a high success rate in securing jobs and establishing themselves as successful professionals. If you have a passion for communication and want to excel in this rapidly evolving field, the High School of Applied Communication is the ideal choice to launch your career.