HSAC Second Language Department

High School of Applied Communication
All parents, teachers, and students have the ability to track their records online. HSAC is committed to providing up-to-date test results and concerns regarding student achievement, participation and attendance.
Extra help is available after school to ensure each student has the opportunity to be successful. Teachers at HSAC list all student data in the virtual world allowing us to remain connected and, more important, harness technology to measure student progress.
- Track Student Progress At All Times
- Student Data Analysis
- Mobile Responsive Results & Evaluations
Second Language Courses
Spanish I
Instructor: Mr. Kennedy | Course Outline
Culturally rich and engaging focus on dialects, regions, and pronunciation.
Spanish II
Instructor: Mr. Kennedy | Course Outline
Culturally rich and engaging focus on dialects, regions, and pronunciation.
Spanish III
Instructor: Mr. Kennedy | Course Outline
Culturally rich and engaging focus on dialects, regions, and pronunciation.
Utilizing the ever-changing forces that shape the Internet, hardware, software, and mobile monitoring of progress.
The ability to see concepts, designs, and curricula in ways that capture human imagination at all learning levels.
Set the standards of how we should treat one another with reciprocated professionalism.
Honest learning policies guided by strategic principles that foster learning, and establish understanding.