Applied Communication: Shaping the Future of High School Education

Importance of Applied Communication in High School Education

Applied communication is a vital skillset for high school students as it equips them with the necessary tools to effectively express themselves, collaborate with others, and navigate the modern digital landscape. In the rapidly evolving globalized world, effective communication skills are highly valued, and high school is the ideal time to cultivate and develop these skills.

By focusing on applied communication in high school education, students are better equipped to succeed in college, future careers, and personal relationships. Effective communication allows students to convey their thoughts and ideas clearly, fostering meaningful connections with others. This skillset is particularly vital in academic settings, where articulating one’s knowledge and understanding is important for success. Additionally, employers consistently emphasize the significance of strong communication skills, as they are crucial for effective teamwork and collaboration in the workplace.

In the modern digital landscape, where communication primarily occurs through various online platforms, high school students must be adept at navigating the digital realm. Applied communication education provides them with the tools to communicate effectively in online spaces, understanding the nuances of digital conversations and cultivating a responsible online presence. This is particularly important for their future careers, as many professions require proficient digital communication skills.

Overall, applied communication education in high school is essential in preparing students for the complexities of the modern world. It equips them with the ability to articulate their thoughts, collaborate with others, and adapt to various communication settings. By developing these skills early on, high school students are better positioned for success in their academic, professional, and personal endeavors.

Integrating Applied Communication into the Curriculum

Importance of Integration

Integrating applied communication into the high school curriculum is crucial for equipping students with the necessary skills to navigate the modern world. In an increasingly globalized society, effective communication is highly valued both in personal and professional contexts. By integrating applied communication skills into various subject areas, high schools can ensure that students have ample opportunities to practice and develop their communication abilities, preparing them for future academic and career endeavors.

Skills to Be Incorporated

Integrating applied communication involves incorporating skills such as public speaking, effective writing, digital communication, active listening, and non-verbal communication across multiple subject areas. These skills are essential for students to effectively express themselves, collaborate with others, and adapt to the digital landscape. By updating existing curriculum frameworks or implementing new communication-focused modules, high schools can provide a comprehensive education that addresses the diverse communication needs of students.

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Reinforcement of Skills

By incorporating applied communication into various subjects, students have more opportunities to practice and reinforce their understanding and application of effective communication techniques. For example, students can practice their public speaking skills during English class while presenting research projects or during science class while delivering scientific presentations. By consistently reinforcing these skills across different subjects, students can develop a deep understanding of how communication functions in various contexts, enhancing their overall communication abilities.

Fostering Interactive and Collaborative Learning Environments

Creating interactive and collaborative learning environments is crucial in promoting the development of applied communication skills in high school education. By incorporating a variety of strategies and activities, students can actively engage in the learning process and enhance their communication abilities. Here are some effective methods to foster interactive and collaborative learning:

Group Projects

Implementing group projects in the curriculum allows students to collaborate, communicate, and problem-solve together. Working in groups provides opportunities for students to practice effective communication techniques such as active listening, respectful dialogue, and clear articulation of ideas. This also helps students develop crucial teamwork skills which are highly valued in both academic and professional settings.


Simulations offer a hands-on approach to communication skills development. By creating scenarios that require students to interact and communicate effectively, such as mock interviews or simulated business negotiations, students can practice real-world communication techniques in a controlled environment. Simulations provide valuable opportunities for students to refine their communication skills, adapt to different situations, and receive feedback on their performance.


Debates encourage students to research, analyze, and present arguments in a structured manner. Participating in debates helps students develop skills in persuasion, logical reasoning, and critical thinking. Debates not only strengthen communication abilities but also foster respectful discourse and the ability to understand different perspectives. Students learn to construct convincing arguments and effectively articulate their views, preparing them for future academic and professional endeavors.


Incorporating presentations into the curriculum allows students to practice public speaking and develop effective communication skills. Presentations require students to organize their ideas, deliver information clearly and concisely, and engage their audience. By delivering presentations, students learn to communicate confidently, use visual aids effectively, and adapt their communication style based on their audience’s needs.

Varied Communication Platforms

Utilizing different communication platforms, such as online discussion boards or video conferencing tools, can enhance collaborative learning experiences. By incorporating digital communication methods, students can practice written and verbal communication skills in diverse settings. This prepares them for the modern digital landscape and equips them with the necessary skills for effective online collaboration and communication.

Implementing Technology-Enhanced Communication Tools

In today’s digital age, integrating technology-enhanced communication tools is crucial in high school education to equip students with the necessary skills for effective communication. By incorporating digital platforms and resources into the curriculum, students can harness the power of technology to communicate efficiently and effectively. Here are some key ways to implement technology-enhanced communication tools:

  1. Digital Platforms for Online Collaboration: Utilizing digital platforms such as Google Docs, Microsoft Teams, or other collaboration tools allows students to work together on projects, share ideas, and communicate in real-time.
  2. Video Conferencing: Implementing video conferencing tools like Zoom or Skype enables students to engage in virtual meetings or discussions, facilitating remote communication and collaboration.
  3. Multimedia Presentations: Encouraging students to use multimedia tools such as PowerPoint or Prezi enhances their communication skills by incorporating visuals, videos, and interactive elements into their presentations.
See also  Navigating the High School of Applied Communication: An Overview

Furthermore, high school students can benefit from learning digital literacy skills to navigate the digital landscape responsibly:

  • Evaluating Online Sources: Teaching students how to critically evaluate the credibility and reliability of online sources ensures they can effectively communicate accurate information.
  • Understanding Digital Footprints: Educating students about the importance of maintaining a positive digital presence and managing their online reputation helps them navigate the digital world professionally.
  • Practicing Responsible Online Communication: Guiding students on the ethical and respectful use of online communication platforms promotes effective and considerate digital interactions.

By leveraging technology in applied communication education, high school students gain valuable skills that prepare them for success in the digital era. Incorporating these tools empowers students to communicate confidently, collaborate efficiently, and navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Engaging Professional Communication Experts

One highly effective approach to enhancing applied communication education in high schools is by engaging professional communication experts. These experts bring real-world experiences, industry insights, and practical strategies to the classroom, helping students develop and refine their communication skills.

Benefits of Engaging Professional Communication Experts

  • Sharing real-world experiences and industry insights
  • Providing practical strategies for effective communication
  • Leading workshops and mentorship programs
  • Offering guidance on persuasive communication, professional etiquette, and effective storytelling

By inviting professional communication experts as guest speakers or consultants, high schools can expose students to diverse perspectives on the importance of applied communication in different contexts and careers. This exposure inspires students to further develop their communication skills and opens their eyes to the wide range of opportunities where effective communication plays a crucial role.

Ways to Engage Professional Communication Experts

  • Guest speakers: Invite professionals from various fields to talk about their experiences and provide insights into effective communication in their respective industries.
  • Workshops: Organize hands-on workshops led by experts to teach students practical communication techniques and strategies.
  • Mentorship programs: Establish mentorship programs where professionals can work closely with students to guide them in improving their communication skills.

These engagements with professional communication experts create invaluable learning opportunities for high school students. They not only gain knowledge and skills but also get a chance to interact with professionals who have successfully utilized communication in their careers.

Through these interactions, students can develop a broader perspective on the importance of applied communication and gain insights into how it can contribute to their future academic and professional endeavors.

Encouraging Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities play a significant role in developing applied communication skills outside the traditional classroom setting. High schools should encourage students to participate in a variety of clubs, organizations, and sports that foster communication and leadership abilities. These activities provide valuable opportunities for students to enhance their communication skills in real-world scenarios, building confidence, resilience, and adaptability.

See also  Applied Communication: Elevating High School Education to New Heights

Debate Clubs: Debate clubs offer students the chance to sharpen their persuasive communication and critical thinking skills. Through engaging in debates and discussions on various topics, students learn to articulate their viewpoints clearly, listen attentively to opposing arguments, and construct well-reasoned arguments.

Theater or Speech Teams: Participation in theater or speech teams helps students develop their public speaking and presentation skills. Whether performing on stage or delivering prepared speeches, students learn to convey their messages effectively, command attention, and engage with their audience.

Student Government: Involvement in student government allows students to hone their communication and leadership abilities. By participating in meetings, organizing events, and representing the student body, students learn to collaborate with others, negotiate, and communicate the needs and concerns of their peers.

Community Service Projects: Engaging in community service projects provides students with opportunities to interact with a diverse range of individuals and groups. Through these experiences, students develop their interpersonal communication skills, empathy, and cultural sensitivity. Working together towards a common goal promotes teamwork and problem-solving abilities.

Participating in these extracurricular activities not only enhances students’ applied communication skills but also enables them to apply what they have learned in the classroom to real-life situations. These experiences foster personal growth and allow students to discover their passions and interests, building a well-rounded skill set that will benefit them in their future academic and professional endeavors.

Assessing and Celebrating Communication Achievements

Assessing and celebrating students’ applied communication skills plays a crucial role in empowering and motivating high school students. By developing appropriate assessment tools and recognizing their accomplishments, educators can foster a sense of pride and motivation in students to further excel in their communication journey.

Effective Assessment Tools

In order to evaluate students’ progress in applied communication, educators can utilize a range of assessment tools. These tools may include:

  • Presentations: Students can showcase their communication skills through presentations on various topics. This allows educators to assess their ability to articulate ideas and engage an audience.
  • Portfolios: Students can curate a collection of their written work, speeches, or multimedia presentations. Educators can then assess the quality and effectiveness of their communication skills.
  • Mock Interviews: By conducting mock interviews, educators can evaluate students’ ability to effectively communicate their experiences, skills, and strengths to potential employers or admissions officers.

Constructive Feedback

Providing constructive feedback is an essential part of the assessment process. Educators can offer specific suggestions for improvement in areas such as clarity, organization, delivery, and non-verbal communication. By offering guidance and recommendations, educators support students in refining their communication skills.

Recognition and Rewards

Recognizing and celebrating students’ accomplishments in applied communication can be an effective way to motivate and inspire them. Educators can organize awards, public recognition ceremonies, or showcases of students’ work to highlight their achievements. This recognition creates a sense of pride and encourages students to continue developing their communication abilities.


“Recognition and celebration of students’ applied communication skills is essential for empowering and motivating high school students.”

“Effective assessment tools and constructive feedback enable students to refine their communication skills and continue excelling in their journey.”