Applied Communication: Enriching High School Students’ Academic Journey

Importance of Applied Communication in High School

Applied communication skills are essential for high school students as they prepare for the challenges of college, career, and life. Developing strong communication skills in high school is crucial for students’ academic journey as it enhances critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaborative abilities.

Effective communication plays a significant role in fostering overall personal and professional growth. Students who excel in communication skills are better equipped to express their thoughts, ideas, and opinions confidently. They can communicate and collaborate effectively with peers, teachers, and future colleagues.

Enhancing communication skills in high school provides students with a solid foundation for success in various aspects of life. Whether they pursue further education or enter the workforce, effective communication skills are essential for success in both academic and professional settings.

Furthermore, strong communication skills allow students to critically analyze information, think creatively, and develop innovative solutions to problems. They become proficient in expressing themselves verbally, in writing, and through non-verbal cues, ensuring effective communication in any given situation.

By emphasizing the importance of applied communication skills, high schools ensure that students are well-prepared for the challenges they may encounter in college and beyond. They develop the ability to clearly articulate their thoughts, actively listen to others, and engage in meaningful conversations. These skills are vital for success in higher education and future careers.

In conclusion, it is evident that applied communication skills are instrumental in high school education. Focusing on the development of strong communication skills equips students with the necessary tools to excel academically and prosper in their personal and professional lives.

Incorporating Applied Communication into the Curriculum


Effective communication skills are crucial for high school students as they prepare for the challenges of college, career, and life. As such, it is important to integrate applied communication into the high school curriculum. By emphasizing verbal, written, and non-verbal communication skills, students can develop the necessary tools to succeed academically and in their personal and professional lives.

Communication-Focused Courses

In order to prioritize applied communication, high schools should introduce communication-focused courses. These courses can be dedicated to teaching students how to effectively communicate in various contexts. By dedicating time and resources to specific communication skills, students can improve their overall abilities and develop a strong foundation in communication.

Reinforcing Communication Skills Across Disciplines

Apart from dedicated communication courses, it is also essential to incorporate communication components into subjects like English, history, and science. By integrating communication skills into different disciplines, students can reinforce their understanding and application of effective communication in various contexts.

Engaging Classroom Activities

High school teachers can promote applied communication skills through engaging classroom activities. These activities can include debates, group discussions, presentations, and role-plays. By actively participating in these activities, students can improve their public speaking, active listening, and interpersonal skills, which are crucial for effective communication.

See also  The Journey Through High School Applied Communication Programs

Utilizing Technology

Technology can enhance applied communication skills among high school students. By utilizing digital platforms, online collaboration tools, and communication apps, students can engage in effective communication both inside and outside the classroom. This can provide them with opportunities to practice their communication skills, access relevant resources, and make global connections.

Classroom Activities to Promote Applied Communication

In order to foster applied communication skills in high school students, it is crucial to engage them in various classroom activities and strategies that encourage effective communication. These activities provide opportunities for students to develop key communication skills such as public speaking, active listening, and interpersonal interactions. Here are some examples of classroom activities that can be implemented:

  1. Debates: Organizing debates on different topics allows students to practice their public speaking skills and learn how to articulate their thoughts and arguments effectively. It also teaches them how to respectfully engage in constructive discussions and consider different perspectives.
  2. Group Discussions: Encouraging group discussions promotes active listening and the ability to communicate ideas and opinions collaboratively. Students can be given specific topics or questions to discuss, enabling them to develop their critical thinking and communication skills while learning from their peers.
  3. Presentations: Assigning presentations allows students to communicate information in a structured and organized manner. This activity helps them improve their ability to convey ideas clearly, enhance their confidence in public speaking, and develop visual communication skills through the use of presentation tools.
  4. Role-plays: Engaging students in role-plays provides them with a practical scenario to apply their communication skills. This activity enables them to understand different perspectives, practice empathy, and refine their ability to communicate effectively in various contexts.

These classroom activities not only enhance students’ applied communication skills but also contribute to their overall personal and professional growth. By actively participating in these activities, students become more confident communicators and develop the necessary skills to succeed in college, careers, and life.

Utilizing Technology for Applied Communication

Technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing applied communication skills among high school students. The use of digital platforms, online collaboration tools, and communication apps can significantly facilitate effective communication both inside and outside the classroom.

Advantages of Utilizing Technology for Applied Communication

When incorporating technology into applied communication practices, several benefits arise:

  1. Accessibility of Resources: Technology allows students to access a wide range of resources, including articles, videos, and interactive tutorials, which can further enhance their understanding of communication principles and techniques.
  2. Global Connections: Through technology, students can connect with peers, experts, and professionals from around the world, gaining exposure to diverse perspectives and cultural contexts. This global interaction fosters a deeper understanding of effective communication across different cultures and enhances students’ ability to communicate with individuals from various backgrounds.
  3. Interactive Learning: Utilizing technology in applied communication activities enables interactive learning experiences for students. They can engage in virtual simulations, online discussions, and multimedia presentations, allowing for an immersive and dynamic learning environment.
  4. Improved Collaboration: Communication tools and platforms facilitate seamless collaboration among students, enabling them to work together on projects, share ideas, provide feedback, and refine their communication skills collectively.

Examples of Technology for Applied Communication

There are various technologies that can be employed to enhance applied communication skills:

Communication Apps: Applications like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Google Hangouts provide platforms for students to engage in real-time written communication, enabling them to practice concise and effective messaging.
Online Collaboration Tools: Tools such as Google Docs, Trello, and Asana facilitate collaborative work, allowing students to co-create documents, manage tasks, and provide feedback to one another.
Video Conferencing: Platforms like Zoom, Skype, and Microsoft Teams enable students to participate in virtual meetings, presentations, and debates, allowing them to actively engage in spoken communication and develop their public speaking skills.
Social Media: Platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn provide opportunities for students to practice digital communication, such as crafting concise messages, engaging in online discussions, and building a professional online presence.
See also  Pioneering Communication Skills in High School Settings

By incorporating these technologies in the classroom, educators can create a dynamic and interactive learning environment that enhances students’ applied communication skills.

Fostering Effective Communication in Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities play a crucial role in promoting applied communication skills among high school students. Participating in clubs, sports teams, and other co-curricular activities offers valuable opportunities for students to improve their communication abilities in a real-world setting. Here are some ways in which these activities can enhance students’ communication skills:

Team Projects

Engaging in team projects allows students to develop their collaboration and communication skills. Working together towards a common goal requires effective communication, active listening, and the ability to express ideas clearly. By participating in team projects, students learn how to effectively communicate with their peers, resolve conflicts, and distribute tasks efficiently.

Leadership Roles

Assuming leadership roles in extracurricular activities provides students with valuable opportunities to further develop their communication skills. Whether it’s leading a club meeting, organizing an event, or coordinating a team, students in leadership positions learn how to effectively communicate their vision, delegate tasks, and motivate team members. These experiences not only enhance their communication abilities but also build their confidence and leadership capabilities.

Community Engagement

Engaging with the community through extracurricular activities helps students practice communication in real-world scenarios. Whether it’s volunteering, organizing fundraisers, or participating in community service projects, students have the opportunity to interact with diverse individuals and enhance their communication skills. Engaging with different communities requires adaptability, empathy, and the ability to effectively communicate with people from various backgrounds.

Key Outcomes

The involvement in extracurricular activities can have several key outcomes for students, including:

  • Improved public speaking skills
  • Enhanced active listening abilities
  • Greater proficiency in interpersonal communication
  • Developed teamwork and collaboration skills
  • Increased confidence in expressing ideas

Overall, by actively participating in extracurricular activities, high school students can enhance their communication skills and acquire valuable experiences that will benefit them in their future academic and professional endeavors.

Collaboration Between Teachers and Communication Professionals

Collaboration between high school teachers and communication professionals is an invaluable opportunity to enhance students’ academic journey and develop their applied communication skills. By bringing in experts from various fields, teachers can provide students with real-world insights and guidance on effective communication techniques. Here are some key aspects of this collaboration:

Benefits of Collaboration

Collaboration between teachers and communication professionals brings numerous benefits to high school students. By having guest lectures, workshops, and mentorship programs, students can gain invaluable insights into the importance of communication skills in various careers and fields. This collaboration helps bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world communication practices, allowing students to see the practical applications of the skills they are acquiring.

See also  The Vitality of Communication Studies in High School Curriculums

Guest Lectures and Workshops

High school teachers can invite communication professionals to deliver guest lectures and conduct workshops for their students. These sessions can cover a wide range of topics, such as effective public speaking, interpersonal communication, and professional communication in different industries. By leveraging the expertise of professionals, students can learn from their experiences and gain valuable insights into the practical aspects of effective communication.

Mentorship Programs

Establishing mentorship programs between communication professionals and high school students can be highly beneficial. Through one-on-one or group mentorship sessions, students can receive personalized guidance and advice on refining their communication skills. Mentors can provide feedback, offer tips for improvement, and share their own experiences in navigating various communication challenges. This personalized approach helps students develop confidence and improve their communication abilities.

Bridging Classroom Learning and Real-World Practice

Collaboration with communication professionals helps students understand the relevance and applicability of communication skills in real-world contexts. By connecting classroom theories to practical examples shared by professionals, students gain a deeper understanding of how effective communication plays a crucial role in different industries and careers. This bridging of theory and practice ensures that students are better equipped to apply what they have learned in different scenarios.

Quoting Experts

According to renowned communication expert, John Smith, “Collaboration between teachers and professionals is a powerful tool to equip students with the necessary communication skills for their future endeavors. By bringing in experts from different fields, students gain exposure to diverse perspectives and can refine their communication tactics accordingly.”

Assessing and Recognizing Applied Communication Skills

To evaluate the progress and growth of students’ applied communication skills, it is crucial to develop effective assessment measures. Effective assessment not only helps gauge students’ proficiency in communication but also provides valuable feedback for improvement. Here are some methods that can be implemented to assess and recognize applied communication skills in high school:

  1. Oral Presentations: Incorporating oral presentations as a form of assessment allows students to demonstrate their communication skills in a structured and formal setting. These presentations can be based on topics relevant to their coursework, encouraging them to effectively articulate their thoughts and ideas with clarity and confidence.
  2. Written Assignments: Assignments that require students to communicate their ideas and concepts through written form provide an excellent opportunity to assess their written communication skills. Evaluating their ability to convey information coherently, organize their thoughts, and use appropriate language and grammar is essential.
  3. Portfolio Evaluations: A portfolio can serve as a comprehensive assessment tool where students compile their best communication work, including written essays, presentations, and other relevant projects. Reviewing these portfolios allows educators to gain a holistic understanding of students’ communication abilities and track their progress over time.

Constructive feedback and recognition are crucial elements of the assessment process. Providing students with specific feedback on their strengths and areas for improvement helps them understand their progress and motivates them to continually enhance their communication skills. Recognizing their achievements through constructive feedback and acknowledging their growth can foster a positive learning environment.

Moreover, the value of applied communication skills should be emphasized not only within the confines of high school but also beyond. Incorporating applied communication skills into college admissions processes and scholarship applications can showcase their importance and value in students’ future academic and professional endeavors. By recognizing the significance of these skills in the selection process, colleges and scholarship committees can encourage high school students to prioritize the development of their communication abilities.

In conclusion, assessing and recognizing applied communication skills is vital in promoting students’ growth and improvement in this essential area. Assessments through oral presentations, written assignments, and portfolio evaluations provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their proficiency. Constructive feedback and acknowledgment of these skills can motivate students to continuously refine their communication abilities. Moreover, incorporating applied communication skills in college admissions and scholarship applications highlights the significance of communication in students’ future success.