HSAC | Faculty Directory

Visual Art

E-Mail Directory

Instructor: Ms. Holden | JHolden@hsacny.com
Room 546

Studio Art

Drawing | Sculpture | Illustration

Art History

English Language Arts

English Language Arts | ELA

E-Mail Directory

Instructor: Mr. Austin | FAustin2@hsacny.com
Room 224

Instructor: Ms. Nelson | NNelsov@hsacny.com
Room 212

Instructor: Ms. Barber | ABarber@hsacny.com
Room 230

Instructor: Mr. Allen | BAllen@hsacny.com
Room 225

Literature & Research

English Language Arts

Classic Literature

English Second Language

English Second Language | ESL

E-Mail Directory

Instructor: Ms. Higgins | JHiggins@hsacny.com
Room 517D

English Second Language | ESL

Push In (Assist students in the classroom Setting)

Pull Out (Assist students outside of the classroom Setting)

Physical Education

Physical Education | Health

E-Mail Directory

Instructor: Ms. Reed | AReed@hsacny.com
Instructor: Mr. Jarvis | RJarvis@hsacny.com
Room Gymnasium

Physical Education

Health & Nutrition

Aerobics & Resistance Training



E-Mail Directory

Instructor: Mr. Heath | DHeath@hsacny.com
Room 516
Instructor: Ms. Edwards | Edwards@hsacny.com
Room 522
Instructor: Ms. Wade | KWade@hsacny.com
Room 520

Algebra I


Algebra II



E-Mail Directory

Instructor: Ms. Norman | ENorman3@hsacny.com
Room 559

Instructor: Mr. Giles | LGiles@hsacny.com
Room 550

Instructor: Ms. Stone | SStone@hsacny.com
Room 557

Earth Science


Living Environment

Social Studies

Social Studies

E-Mail Directory

Instructor: Ms. Banks | SBanks@hsacny.com
Room 518

Instructor: Ms. Grant | KGrant@hsacny.com
Room 516

Instructor: Mr. Law | GLaw@hsacny.com
Room 514

Government Economics

Global History I, II

U.S. History


Technology | Computer Graphics & Interactive Media Design

E-Mail Directory

Instructor: Mr. Pratt | MPratt2@hsacny.com
Room 534 | Technology Lab

Microsoft & Adobe Certification

Graphic Design | Web & Print

Website Coding & Development

Special Education

Special Education

E-Mail Directory

Instructor: Ms. Todd | TTodd01@hsacny.com

Instructor: Ms. Kaur | Kaur23@hsacny.com

Instructor: Mr. Dixon | ODixon@hsacny.com

Instructor: Ms Murphy | Murphy@hsacny.com

Room 535 | Special Education Office

Special Education | IEP Process

Push In (Assist students in the classroom Setting)

Pull Out (Assist students outside of the classroom Setting)

Second Language

Second Language

E-Mail Directory

Instructor: Mr. Kennedy | Kennedy@hsacny.com

Dedicated Traveling Teacher to Room 532 | 514

Spanish I

Spanish II

Spanish III

Student Advisory

Student Advisory | College & Career Readiness

E-Mail Directory

Instructor: Ms. Carroll | SCarroll@hsacny.com
Room 519A
Instructor: Ms. Briggs | MBriggs2@hsacny.com
Room 506

Student Advisory

College & Career Readiness

Guidance | Social Services