Principal: Abigail Davis
High School Of Applied Communication
Our School does its best to provide advice and guidance to students who want to get the best knowledge in the health sciences. As a principal, I have worked with students for more than ten years to help them get the best knowlrdge. I know that every student is unique. So we offer an individual approach and specialized services working with them to determine their needs and create a school program that provides comprehensive benefits and complies with state regulatory standars.

Office Location: Room 519B

Welcome to HSAC! Starting the school year is always exciting and this year is no exception. I am confident we will all embrace this year with a positive attitude and strong work ethic, and will make this the best year academically, socially, and personally.
As an assistant principal at HSAC, I am committed to serving the academic, career, personal and social needs of our community in grades 9-12. Please contact me if you have any questions about HSAC, our course offerings, programming, disciplinary and safety concerns, guidance questions, and extra-curricular activities. I look forward to our journey together.
“Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day”
John Heywood
My Expertise
Student Affairs
Curriculum Colaboration
Student Guidance
Always listen to the most important people!
The kids we educate are directing the future paths for those that follow.
Teach them well, and don't hold back your passion...